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Andrzej Hałasiewicz
Who I am


Teacher and researcher at Sociology Department on the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. Combining theory with practice he implemented many research projects, among them those financed by the European Union and the British Know How Found. He coordinated Polish preparatory to the SAPARD Programme. In 1999-2005 he was an executive director of the World Bank Rural Development Programme in Poland. Currently deputy director of the Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture FAPA, responsible for the LEADER implementation in Poland. Coordinator of the National Strategy of Rural Development which is a tool of state policy coordination towards rural areas in 2007-2015. In his approach the rural development is understood as increase an education level and growing off farm professional activities of rural inhabitants and development of entrepreneurship in villages and small towns, differentiating economical activities in order to create alternative sources of income for inhabitants of rural areas.

Who I amO mnieMoja rodzinaFotografieŻyciorysUlubione linkiKontakt do mnie
Andrzej Hałasiewicz